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The Psychics Directory is the outcome of several free-thinking, spiritually mind individuals getting together and saying, "Hey, wouldn't it be great to have our own directory of psychics, tarot readers, spiritualist and related sites that we have discovered and found worthwhile". And so it came to be... the Psychics Directory and a few folks calling themselves the 'Psychics Directory Society'. This was back in 1998 when so there was to such thing as a 'psychics directory'. As far as we know, we are the original psychics directory.
Originally, the Psychics Directory Society created the Psychics Directory to allow all it's members to access hand-picked psychics and related sites from anywhere in the world, 24 hours a day. Over time we have found that many others have visited and enjoy our directory. It use to be that your only option in finding a psychic was to visit that strange woman in a shack just outside of town. Sadly, many so-called civilized cities still have ordinances AGAINST "fortune-tellers" practicing within the city limits. Check the city you live in... you would be shocked to find your freedom of choice is being manipulated. However, with dawn of the Internet (and Net's strong supporters of REAL free speech), you can locate numerous psychics, spiritualists, tarot card readers, astrologers and lovers of metaphysics anytime, anywhere. You can compare styles, accuracy of readings and beliefs.
If you own a web site and are interested in linking with us, please visit our Linking Information Page for our current linking and cross linking policy. Be advised ALL web sites are reviewed for content, ease of navigation as well as refund policy, privacy policy, accurate contact info and often someone will drop by anonymously for a reading, download and read materials (if marketing an ebook or services) and so forth.
Over the years, the explosion of psychic based sites (not to mention occult, new age, astrological, Wicca, numerology and every other form of paranormal, alternative spirituality web sites) has been extraordinary. Not just on the Internet, but also on TV, in movies, on the radio, in books (and even TV commercials). This has lead to a new type of psychic reading site, what we call the community based site or psychic network, where numerous psychics, astrologers, numerologists, spell casters and Wicca specialists all operate within an umbrella organization. Samples of this are Psychic Source ... 1-800-Psychics ... Live Person ... 1-800-Tarot ... 1-800-Astrology ... ... and ... Psychics Chatline.
We decide to join some of this new psychic networks as an affiliate, however, that did not change our review criteria. These community sites are evaluated with the same process before indexing. (In some cases we assisted in selecting the featured psychics, tarot readers and astrologers). We add an additional evaluation process, however. Since it is impossible to get readings from everyone at a community site, we make contact with site management and make a determination from an interview process whether to include/exclude a community based site. Input from society members about reading quality, how refunds/satisfaction guarantees are handled, support features and so forth also play a key role.
Over the years, the 'Psychic Society' members have moved on to other things and the domain has been left to be operated by the original webmaster, K Grant, who has agreed to run the domain as originally intended. K Grant has over 40 years experience studying the psychic and paranormal field, not to mention the studies in religion and spirituality.
If you are interested in working online as a psychic, astrologer, numerologist, spell caster, occult adviser, etc., Check out our Jobs For Psychics page ... you can even work from home.
Once again, WELCOME! Stop by often and see what's new. No telling what will be going on ... we do not even know what is going to happen next. We would ask a psychic, but we would really rather leave this issue a mystery. We hope you will come back often. Thanks for visiting, and have fun exploring our humble psychics directory.
One last word of caution... although we try and list only those psychic sites we have personally found valuable, there is no telling what YOUR experience will be. The Internet is extremely fluid and some sites/links change without warning. We do our best to keep up with things, but, well, things change. Select who you do business with carefully. We can accept NO responsibility for your experience with this site or any site we link too. And, since "the law" and "science" absolutely FORBID that psychics may be... well, psychic... or that there are spirits and angels whom you can talk to... you have to assume all this is for entertainment... but under those terms, all religion and spirituality is entertainment... so let's have fun out there!
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