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Psychics Edgar Casey Foundation
The Association for Research and Enlightenment (A.R.E.), Inc., is the international headquarters of the work of Edgar Cayce, considered the most documented psychic of all time. Founded in 1931 to preserve, research, and make available insights from Cayce's information, the A.R.E. is a non-profit organization which sponsors activities, services, and outreach throughout the world. Fascinating web site.
Books by or about Edgar Cayce
Free article on the Legacy Of Edgar Cayce

Select Psychic Psychic Selection Service

Here is something new, different and definitely needed: A special, free service to help you find the perfect psychic, tarot reader, astrologer for your needs. They will also help you figuring out what questions to ask a psychic, tarot reader, etc. Call the toll free number (USA and Canada), live specialists answer the phone, help with questions ... even connect you with a psychic. Support help is FREE. You have to pay for readings, but you are way ahead by the time you connect for a reading.

Free Articles Psychic Library
Really great place to find psychic articles, meet psychics, explore the metaphysical aspects of clairvoyance, healing, angels and more. The site have a very interesting history. Make sure you check out the 'About Us' section when you visit. Impressive.

Psychic Information Psychics Chatline - Free Articles
Offering "affordable psychic readings for all", what Psychics Chatline also offers is a number of great articles and free information on getting psychic readings, love readings ... energy readings ... tarot readings and more. Articles are directed to the new and experience customers with psychic and divination readings. Of course, they also offer professional readings, too.

Paranormal Australian Institute of Parapsychological Research
Established in 1977 and is a non-profit community association, the aims of the organization are: To collect, assess and disseminate factual information about claims of psychic (paranormal) phenomena. encourage parapsychology. The site is rather strange blend of a cold scientific perspective and open mindedness. Also, check out: Boundary Institute

Spirituality Astroxa Blog
With Astrologer Anna-Cristal De Lyon

Psychic Astrologer Anna-Cristal De Lyon operates a fascinating astrology blog (from France, no less) which is well worth your time to visit.

Spirituality BeliefNet - For Inspiration
Looking for a mainstream way to explore religion and spirituality in a contemporary manner? Looking for a place to enjoy the freedom of religion, faith and belief ... then you will love BeliefNet. Beliefnet is the largest spiritual web site. They are independent and not affiliated with any spiritual organization or movement. The only agenda is to help you meet your spiritual needs.

Psychic Research The Psychics Explorers Club
Members of the Psychics Explorers Club help with the investigation of paranormal events as well as have access to tons of information about parapsychological research. The Psychics Explorers Club is inspired by the philosophy of Eileen J. Garrett, world-renowned psychic and pioneer in the support and promotion of parapsychological research
Books about Parapsychology Parapsychology

religion Religious Tolerance
Lord knows we need more of this ... religious tolerance ... and here is a web site and web based community exploring the issues and working towards that wonderful goal.

Metaphysics, Eastern Thought Krishnamurti Foundation of America
Krishnamurti was (still is) one of the most fascinating spiritual persons of the last century. Declared the "the vehicle for the reincarnation of Christ" in 1909 at a young age, he would grow up to reject all organized religions and refused to organize one himself.
Books By And About Krishnamurti

Psychics International Society for Paranormal Research
Probably one of the most outstanding sites on the Net' dealing with investigations into the paranormal. If your interested in what scientific research has gone into verifying the existence of ghosts, ESP, remote viewing, hauntings, etc., this is the place to visit.

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